December 27, 2008

O Christmas Time, O Christmas Time...

These are pictures of our West party, minus Tony (who had to work),Jason/Carrie and Jess/Puck/Josie. We had dinner at Jen/Zach's and then watched a nativity power point that our friend Sharon Evans put together and then we drove down to the hospital to play Ripple (w/Phase 10 cards) and help pass time for Jessica in Labor.
The next morning, the kids and I had breakfast at Tony's parents with his brother, sisters and family and his Hanson relatives (Tony's moms' brothers, etc). Tony drove out after his grave yard shift and surprised all of us. His mom was so excited and so was I. He always loves to surprise us anyway he can, then he turned around and drove back home, to work that night. So he basically was up for 48 hours-Sorry hun!

The kids were so excited for Christmas this year. The kids were in 7th Heaven. We told them that Santa was coming a day earlier, because Tony had to work on Christmas day. So when parents have to work, Santa makes special arrangements, to let families have Christmas together.
Weston loved getting Star Wars ships and figurines. Alexa loved all her barbie house and car and clothes. Ty was more interested in Weston's things, he just wanted Star Wars. Santa surprised them with a WII and they loved every minute of it. We had such a great time with the kids.


Dana said...

Looks like you had a super fun Christmas! Love ya!

Kathy said...

Hey!!! I love your blog! I can't believe how much the kids have grown... I love all of the pictures!

Sarah said...

It looks like you guys made out good at Christmas. I had to laugh at the picture of Weston with all the Star Wars guys. No wonder he wasnt' too excited when we gave him more for Christmas. I owe him a better gift for sure. We can't wait to see you guys this weekend. Have a fun and safe New Years.

Jeff and Kathy said...

I look forward to the posting of you pics. We all missed you on Christmas but it was good to see you at the Baptism/Allie's b-day party. You showed your devotion to your sister/Autumn/family by making that fast trip. See ya' soon.

Stephanie said...

Hey, I found you back! :) Your kiddo's are so cute, and it looks like you had a fun Christmas. We got a Wii also - I'll have to get your console address so I can add you to my address book. ttyl!